spam — Insights & Thoughts on Product Development, Life Hacks and Team Dynamics — Clips of Logic — T.S. Lim

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Evolution of spam

What happens when you can broadcast to thousands and thousands of people at virtually zero cost? Some use it to organize flash mob, while some decide to spam us indiscriminately to sell us products we don't need. The most familiar form of spam would be the email-spam. However, the recent rise of social networking sites gave spammers a whole new playground to harvest contact information and a new way to grab our attention.

Facebook (largest social networking site on the planet) has a really convenient feature that allows you to tag faces in your photos. If you have a hard time remembering faces like me, this is god-send. Surprisingly, some really creative people found it to be the easiest and most effective way to start a conversation on a photo.

Because you can tag anyone on any photo, you can if you are motivated enough, tag every single one of your friends on a picture of a tree. Your friends will then be notified while the photo shows up on their news-feed. This is great for greeting cards, group photos and of course, spam.

Luckily, there's a bunch of ways to block your spammer friends and Facebook being a closed platform helps reduce the amount of tag-spam. Anyway, I now have a valid excuse to be anti-social as less friends means less spam.