Projects — Clips of Logic — T.S. Lim

Make better decisions with

Besides building products on the web, I build communities, explore the world of film-making and messing around with robots.


Webcamp KK

3rd Anniversary of Webcamp KK

3rd Anniversary of Webcamp KK

A monthly gathering of people from various background who are passionate about their work. Here's a video to give you an idea on what this community is about. It is held on the first Tuesday of every month. Follow our Facebook page for event updates.



Following the success of Webcamp KK, we spun off a separate community for technologist and geeks. CodeCamp KK is for people who love and breathe technology and we meet up on the third Tuesday of every month. Check out our Facebook group for more updates.



First ever LSM in KK on 23-25 Oct 2015

First ever LSM in KK on 23-25 Oct 2015

A three-day intensive workshops designed to teach entrepreneurs how to validate their idea by doing customer development first before building the actual product. We managed to unlock the city and host our very first LSM in KK on Oct 23-25 2015. Check out the Facebook page for more updates. 


Short film and videos

I've been extremely lucky to have the opportunity to work with some really talented film-makers on a bunch of short films and videos. We made an interview/documentary video about a prop-maker and also a promotion video for inspiration movement named


Autonomous Challenge at RoboNeo 2015

Joined RoboNeo 2015 together with John to program an Arduino Robot that does line following and navigates around a maze. Thanks to some luck, we end up finishing first in the competition.