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Software is Abstracting the World

Software is Abstracting the World

Almost a decade ago, Marc Andreessen penned the famous “Why Software is Eating the World” essay which was amazingly prescient. His arguments on why every company needs to be a software company becomes even more evident in our post-COVID-19 reality where companies like Amazon, UberEats and DoorDash are now considered essential services.

While I was mapping out the concepts around building software, I noticed a recurring theme across the world of bits and bytes. Almost everything is an abstraction of something else and this I believe, is the reason why software is bound to permeate across every aspect of our lives.

Concepts around building software

Concepts around building software

Ever since I discovered Foam, I was waiting an opportunity to try it out. It’s a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub. It fits nicely into my development workflow, so that’s a plus.

Over the weekend, I attempted to build a personal workspace on Foam. Currently I’m using for my notes, journals and personal information. The Graph Visualisation in Foam (screenshot below) is the main feature I wanted to explore.