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Your job title doesn't mean much

Your job title doesn't mean much

If you have been to enough networking events, you’ll surely noticed the most common question, other than asking for your name, is what do you do?

Over the years, I’ve learned to alter my job title depending on the situation. If I’m in a tech event, then I’ll introduce myself as Software Developer. Normally, they may follow up with asking what language (programming language) I work with and all the techie stuff.

For almost all other cases, I’ll go with Software Programmer. It usually does the job of communicating that I write code for a living. Saying I’m a developer will confuse some people as they think I build physical buildings instead of software systems.

Job Security or Satisfaction

When choosing a career, many people will often choose the job that is more secure. This job security is the reason why those who wish to start their own business are still working for people. It feels safer to rely on a regular paycheck. In this day and age, where recessions are more common and the economy more volatile than ever, the only factor you can control to keep your job is your own skill and ability. Job security is over-rated and the thing that matter most is job satisfaction.

You want a job that continuously challenge you and gives you the opportunity to grow and learn. You want a job that you will endure the commuting in order to do work that matters. You want not just a regular paycheck but the chance to constantly better your own ability.

This doesn't mean you have to quit your job and start your own business. There are plenty of jobs out there that are satisfying and pay well. The point is to stop thinking about job security but think about the satisfaction you get from it.

What do you do?

Is your job title something general like Sales Executive or something cool like Chief Awesomeness? How often does it actually reflects what you do? The reason you hand out your name card is to let others know who you are and what you do. But more often than not, it doesn't clarify your job scope and rather raises more questions. What does a Senior Data Analyst do? Does a Sales Manager handles sales?

Wouldn't it be better if you could replace or complement your job title with a short description that actually tells people what exactly you do? Something that captures the essence of your work?

John Doe

IT Executive

Making sure the computer works for you, not the other way around.

If you can't figure out how to describe your job, try to think about what drives you to do what you do. Your motivation, purpose or passion. Personally, looking at the apps I've built (Ravejoint and, the aim is to make it easier and simpler for people to find stuff (food, movie showtimes) they are looking for. I could maybe have this on my card.

TS Lim

Simplifying life, one app at a time

Given the chance to change or improve your job title, what would you do? Share your thoughts in the comments.