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A new you for the new year

A new you for the new year

In a few days, we will be saying goodbye to 2017 and whether we are ready for it or not, 2018 is here. This means it’s that time of the year where we set goals and resolutions hoping that this time, we will keep them, only to have things revert back to come February.

Most of us have a long list of things we hope to achieve but the list just keeps growing longer and longer every year. It’s so bad that a lot of us gave up making new resolutions because it just doesn’t seem to pan out.

No matter how motivated and driven we were about our resolutions when we set them, we just don’t have the same enthusiasm to follow through with them. It just seems futile to even bother with new year resolutions.

How to set goals that actually deliver the results you want

How to set goals that actually deliver the results you want

Most of us are quite familiar with the idea of setting goals. When you are younger, your teacher may have asked bout your ambition. What do you want to be when you grow up? When you attend your first job interview, the interviewer may ask: Where do you see yourself in next five years? And when you are in the workforce, your bosses and managers will ask for your annual goals.

Setting goals let us focus on what we want to achieve. It gives us motivation and a sense of purpose. It is also a way for us to measure our progress. Having a goal is like having a sense of where you want to go and a way to track your progress towards that direction.