elixir — Insights & Thoughts on Product Development, Life Hacks and Team Dynamics — Clips of Logic — T.S. Lim

Make better decisions with Ruminate.io


Building Ruminate.io: Towards Alpha

Building Ruminate.io: Towards Alpha

After building the main user journey for Ruminate.io, I focused on getting it ready for its Alpha release. The objective of this release is to gather feedback from others using it so I can decide where to take it next.

As you can see on the screenshots below, I marked the non working parts of the app as coming soon so I can get the app out the door quicker.

Learnings from my very first Phoenix LiveView app

Learnings from my very first Phoenix LiveView app

The release of Phoenix 1.5 with LiveView integration gave me the perfect excuse to finally build a LiveView App. I decided to build a simple Decision Matrix app named Ruminate.io. For a deeper dive into the app, check out this series of articles that recounts the entire product development journey.

I’ve been keeping an eye on Phoenix LiveView ever since it was announced by Chris McCord back in 2018. However, this is my first attempt in building an entire app with it and there are some interesting learnings, insights, mistakes and challenges along the way.

A tale of two passions

A tale of two passions

Recently, I had the chance to speak at KL Elixir Meetup and I shared our journey switching from Ruby/Rails to Elixir/Phoenix in the past 2 years. It recounts the lessons and mistakes we encountered along the way and how it has changed the way I look at problems.

Thanks to the organizer, Syamil for opportunity to engage and get to know the Elixir community in KL. Below are the slides of my talk and I hope you learned something. If you haven’t given Elixir a try, today it’s the day to start.