A better way — Clips of Logic — T.S. Lim

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A better way

Too often we think some things can't be improved or changed. There are millions of excuses to keep things the same. It's been that way since the dawn of time. Why change something that works? You can't do this because no one ever does that. Akshay Kothari and Ankit Gupta obviously don't agree with that and created yet another RSS news reader for iPad. It made reading news on the iPad more visually appealing and fun. News are presented in a scrollable mosaic with images extracted from the post.

Cultured Code, a software firm from Germany decided to build a better to-do list management software even though there are probably thousands of them out there. Things for Mac, their version of to-do list, won multiple design awards and are now available in iPhone and iPad. You can check out this video to see how it works.

We built Showtimes.my believing that there has to be a better and easier way to present movie showtimes. The site highlights show that is coming up next and de-emphasize those that are in the past. It makes it easier to spot the upcoming showtime. It's probably better than most movie showtimes out there but definitely not the best yet. After all, there's always a better way to do it. You just have to keep pushing the boundary.