Just enough to start

Derek Sivers tweeted this link a while ago on how we only need enough motivation to get started and the momentum will keep us going after that. Apparently, it doesn't take much motivation for us to do something. The article talks about how the author managed to convince himself to get outside during the rain for a bike ride. He needed only a little push, enough to get him outside. Once he is riding, it doesn't take much discipline to continue to do so.

My ride in the rain taught me a good lesson about motivation and discipline: we need it less than we think.

The important is that we don't give up at the time when we are most vulnerable. We need to use our willpower and discipline to get pass the initial stage to get started then everything else is easy.

What's important is that your moment of choice is when you are in the right state of mind — when you need the least willpower — to make the best decision.

If you have problems getting yourself to do something, read the article to learn how to motivate yourself. It seems we need less motivation and discipline than we think and that's a good thing.

Make a choice

When  I started my own business, I took on any jobs and gigs I could find. It's hard when you are starting out so obviously I try to get all the help I can. Then at some point, I realized that some of the things I'm doing just isn't profitable and led me no where. All they did was take up my time and prevented me from doing the ones that actually matters.

So I decided it was time to define the scope of jobs I will take on and those that I won't. I made the choice to focus only on web development which I have the most experience with.

It worked out well because I'm doing things that I'm good at and also enjoy. It also allowed me to focus on my own self-improvement. Now that I know what I want, I know exactly where I need to improve myself.

The other choice I made was to only work with clients that are worth it. Sometimes, you'll meet clients that are impossible to please and it is best to walk away from the project. But when you find one that's a keeper, you should do whatever it takes to keep it going.

Realize that you need to make a choice in order to change something and whether it changes for the better or worse is where the real challenge it.

Don't worry about it

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you can't do anything to make it better. If you've explored all the possibilities and still couldn't solve the problem, then don't worry about it and let it be. We are taught how to solve problems but never learned to decide which problem we shouldn't solve. You need to realize that you can't possibly have the answer for everything.

It's okay to walk away from things you can't deal with but just don't use it as an excuse to run away from it.

Get a life, not a job

Everyone needs to read this manifesto by Paula Caligiuri. All of us need to start managing our careers instead of leaving everything to our bosses and companies. We need to build careers not just jobs.

“Working for a big name company” and “paying your dues” are lousy pieces of advice without understanding the strategic relevance of the role you occupy and the criticality of the skills you possess.

You can't rely on your employer to provide the job security you want. You have take matters into your own hands and plan your own career plan. Take ownership of that plan now to take control of your life.


Most of us love hearing about overnight success stories. The notion that success can come by in a sudden and quick fashion is just too hard to ignore. But most of these stories are misleading and it's a dangerous mindset to have. Success is built on effort, time and patience. Lots and lots of them.

When we hear about someone successful, we assume they suddenly did something right and became overnight success. In reality, they were doing good things for a long time before being finally discovered by the world.

We need patience and persistence to push through the dip in order to be successful. Nothing comes easy in life and success isn't an exception.


In poker, when a player becomes confused and frustrated, he will start to play a little too aggressively and affect the performance of his game. He can be refer to as being on tilt and the most common way to for someone to be in this state is by losing. I think tilting doesn't only happen in a poker game but also in our everyday life. Like how you can have a string of bad luck in a poker game, sometimes in life, things just doesn't seem to be going your way. And if you react to it negatively, you will tilt.

Once you see everything from the wrong perspective, you will end up sabotaging yourself without realizing it. This can happen to your work and relationships. It might seem like you are trying to solve the situation but in reality you are just making things worse.

The most important thing is to realize when you are tilted and then act accordingly. Experience will help and if all else fails, try to step out from the situation to get a better picture.

Realign your perspective and untilt yourself. Doing anything while being on tilt is not only dangerous to your wallet but also to your well-being.

The thing that matters

Sometimes we get too carried away with our everyday life that we lost focus on our goals and passion. But no matter how busy or tired we are, we should always make time for things that really matter to us. I'm sure everyone have their own goals and achievements they would like to accomplish. You might want to earn a certain amount of money by a certain age, or complete a monumental task given to you or even just losing weight to look better. These are the things that matter to you.

Life is too short not to do something that matters - Hugh Macleod

If you have the time to chill out, eat and sleep, why isn't there time for you to do things that actually makes a difference. Stop messing around and focus on the thing that really matters to you. You'll probably be happier too.

Are you uncomfortable?

Being asked to do something in a different way? Found yourself in an unfamiliar place? Read a book and felt uneasy about the idea being presented to you? There are many situations that can make you feel uncomfortable but that's a good thing.

Getting out of our comfort zone can improve our concentration and focus. It might feel scary and risky but that's just your lizard brain.

If your life feels a little too comfortable, try spice it up by venturing into uncharted territories.

Being uncomfortable is a sign that you are experiencing something new.

Prepare for the worst

Some say you should bring an umbrella with you even on a sunny day. You'll never know when it's going to rain. Although I hate carrying one myself, I do understand the need to prepare for the unexpected. Life has it's ups and downs, so no matter how smooth things seem to be, there's a chance something might go wrong. And according to Murphy's Law, if can something can go wrong, it will.

I guess the best way to lead your life would be to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.